Two Cases of Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneus Supcrficialis |
표재성 피부 지방종성 모반 2례 |
김병천; 홍진표; 이규석; 송준영 |
Abstract |
Nevus lipomatoses cutaneus superHciaHs is very rare malformation consisting oi' multiple or solitary papules usiui]]y occuring- on the lower trunk or gluteal regions. Microscopically it reveals groups oi ectopic fat ccll nests within the dermis.
The aiuhors observed twn case? of 1 ypicn 1 nevus lipomatosus cutancs supcrficialis. The first case was p. 3(l~year-old female who has had asymptomatic, sol I, skin colored and huge confluent tomor masses on the kit buttock for 10 years: I he sermul ca se was a 21-year-old male who has had multiple, soft, s"kin rokired papules on the right buttock for 10 years.
The author, made diagnosis of nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis from characteristic clinical and histopathological findings. Isolated litor;iture was briefly reviewed for the discussion.