Two Cases of Hyperkeratosis of the Nipple and Areola |
유두유륜 과각화증 2례 |
김석주; 김용대; 박의수 |
Abstract |
Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola is a skin disorder characterized clinically by thickening anddiscoloration of the skin of areola and/or nipple is a rare condition. About twenty cases; to the best our knowledge; have been reported in foreign literatures and only five cases in koreans to date.
We report two cases of hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola which occurred in 20-year-old woman and 16-year-old girl. The duration of disease is three years and six months; respectively. In two cases; physical examination showed thick; brownish pigmentation of both nipples and areolae and showed mild hyperkeratosis; keratotic plugging; acanthosis and marked papillomatosis hiatopathologically. Our two case*細 belong to nevoid form by the Levy-Franckel classification.
In both cases; the lesions produce no improvement to the treatment with topical medications including steroids and keratolytic agents.