Effect of Starvation on Composition of Brain Tissue and Incorporation of Acetate-I4C
기아상태가 뇌의 구성성분 및 방사성초산의 편입에 미치는 영향 |
정문관; 조준승; 곽춘식 |
Abstract |
Effects of starvation on brain weight, brain/body weight ratio, content of lipid and protein and rate of synthesis were studied in Sprague-Dawley rat weighing 300 gm in normal feeding state and 24hr-starvation state.
Brain weight of normal adult rat v/as 1. 27 gm and its ratio to body was 0.42%. And brain lipid content was 50. 7 mg/gm tissue and protein content was 104. Img/gm tissue. Lipid/protein ratio was 0.49, revealed 2 times more lipid in brain. On the otherhancl, brain weight, brain/body weight ratio, brain lipid and protein content in starved group did not reveal significant difference.
The incorporation of radioactive acetic acid into brain lipid and protein was very small amount and slow comparing to their incorporation into liver and this pattern of incorporation was same in starved group. Expecially, incorporation into brain lipid was slightly high level in starved group but was not statistically significant.
These results are compatible with the view that composition of brain was not significantly affected by nutritional condition and show very stable condition and metabolic conversion of foodstuff did not change significantly.