A Case of Subungual Glomus Tumor |
과갑하 사구종 1례 |
한대식; 박의수; 송준영 |
Abstract |
A ease of 33-year-old female with subungual glomus tumor is reported. She has been suffered from single pea sized, dark red to purplish colored subungual nodule of the left thumb and sharp, episodic pain radiating into the left ann for 5 years. She had been also complained intermittent tingling and pain sensation on left thumb especially after exposure to cold water for 10 years. Family and past history are not contributorv and other laboratory findings are within normal limits. Diagnosis is confirmed by the histopathological features.
Vv'o performed a surgical excision of the tumor completely and no recurrence was noted. Authors review relevant literatures and make discussions also.