Fasting Regulation on the Incorporation of Acetate in to Adipose Tissue of Rats
섭식 및 절식상태가 방사성초산의 지방조직에의 편입에 미치는 영향 |
하지운; 곽춘식; 조준승 |
Abstract |
To ex a m
c the effect of st a rv a t. i o r i o n :. he incorporation o f ii i e tu i、.‘ -l-llC im':, a. d i pose tissue, male rats weighing approximately 250 入vere divided into tv,-o the control group
fed commercial diet' ad libitum and the starved group was fasted for hours be lore the administration of acetate-i-^'C. A single d:>se of 4 ftC'i of acetate-l-l4C ;x.r 100 g^n f)ody weight wa? injected abdominally in both fed and fas tod rats. To determine the rate of inc
Key Words:
계명의대, 논문집, 방사성작산, 생화학, 섭식, 절식상태, 지방조직, 편입 |