A Case of Congenital Anterior Urethral Valve |
선천성 전부요도판막증 1례 |
신택준; 김병훈; 장혁수 |
Abstract |
Anterior urethral valve (AUV) is a rare congenital anomaly which can result in severe obstructive
uropathy like hydronephrosis and spontaneous bladder rupture. Nowadays; with widespread use of
prenatal ultrasonography; more and more anterior urethral valve cases are being diagnosed at
younger age. Therefore increased emphasis on early diagnosis and treatment is required. We
report 9 month-old boy with AUV; who presented weak urinary stream and dribbling on voiding.
The diagnosis was made by voiding cystourethraogram and treated by endoscopic ablation. |
Key Words:
Anterior urethral valve, Congenital,
Urethral obstruction |