A Case of Malignant Melanoma of the Lacrimal Sac |
누낭(Lacrimal Sac)의 악성 흑색종 1례 |
김동은; 여창기; 한순용; 안병훈 |
Abstract |
Malignant melanoma of lacrimal sac is extremely rare and can present with epiphora; bloody tear;
and nasal bleeding. Its current management consists of surgical resection; chemotherapy; radiation
therapy; and immunotherapy. The wide-field en bloc resection with removal of the entire
nasolacrimal system; especially clearly defined tumor margins; ensures the best protection against
recurrence. We present a case of malignant melanoma of lacrimal sac that is spread to inferior
meatus and periorbital area. We excised the mass completely via medial maxillectomy including
dacryocystectomy; but didn`t accompany adjunctive therapy because the treatment effect remains
controversial. To date; after 15 months follow-up; there is no evidence of local recurrence and
distant metastasis. A literature review was also done; in addition. |
Key Words:
Lacrimal sac, malignant melanoma, surgical resection |