A case of bilateral retinal detachment in atopic dermatitis |
양안 망막박리가 동반된 아토피피부염 1례 |
박영도; 조재위; 이규석 |
Abstract |
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic and relapsing inflammatory skin disorder associated
with peak prevalence among infants and children. Atopic dermatitis has been reported to be
associated with a variety of ocular complications such as blepharitis; keratoconjunctivitis;
keratoconus; superficial punctate keratitis; uveitis; cataract; retinal break; and retinal detachment.
Among these; cataract and retinal detachment are the most serious complications that may cause
visual disturbance. To date; several possible theories regarding the pathogenesis of retinal
detachment in atopic dermatitis have been proposed. Among them; trauma has been considered
the major cause of retinal detachment by several authors. Herein we present a rare case of atopic
dermatitis with bilateral retinal detachment. |
Key Words:
Atopic dermatitis, Herpes simplex virus, Ocular complication, Retinal detachment |