A Case of Fascioliasis Presented as Liver Mass |
간내 종괴로 발견된 간질증 1례 |
박종혁; 엄성현; 김철연; 윤지환; 황홍석; 이종협; 김영성 |
Abstract |
Fascioliasis is a zoonotic helminthiasis caused by Fasciola hepatica; the sheep liver
fluke. Humans are accidental hosts in the life cycle of the parasite. They are infected by the
ingestion of water or raw aquatic vegetables contaminated with the metacercaria. A 57 year-old
Korean housewife; ate raw food for 2 years; suffered from right upper quadrant pain; fever and
chill. On the abdominal sonogram 6×3×4 cm ill-defined inhomogenous hypoechoic mass in S8 of
the liver and delayed phase of dynamic liver CT scan showed multiple ill-defined hypodense
nodular lesions with faint peripheral enhancement. Liver biopsy revealed a granuloma composed
of central necrotic lesion containing eosinophils surrounded by histiocytes and fibroblasts.
Although the worm was not seen; the histologic finding was consistent with fascioliasis and the
serologic test for Fasciola -specific antibody by micro-ELISA was positive. We tried
praziquantel(70 mg/kg/day) for 7 days. Six months later; follow up abdominal sonogram showed
marked resolution compared with previous film; and Fasciola-specific antibody was negative. |
Key Words:
Fascioliasis, Liver mass |