Surgical Outcomes of Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release |
내시경적 수근관절개술의 임상결과 |
김인수 |
Abstract |
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most frequently encountered peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome. Surgical treatments consist of conventional open technique; alternative technique using retinaculatome; and endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR) has been developed as a minimally invasive method; alternative to the open precedure over the past decade. The author presented surgical outcome of ECTR. Fitfy cases (19 right; 17 letf and 7 bilateral hands) in 43 consecutive patients (mean age: 52.4 years; range: 35-69 years) with electrodiagnostically-proven CTS underwent a Brown's two-portal ECTR from July 2001 to August 2004. Preoperative clinical findings and results of electroagnostic studies were compared with surgical outcome after three-month-follow-up period. Among 50 cases; 47 (94%) were satisfied with complete or significant relief of symptoms after ECTR and 3 (6%) were dissatisfied with partial or no relief of symptoms. No major complications were observed. Severity of electrodiagnostic abnormalities tended to be correlated with surgical outcome; however; this did not reach to statistical significance. Severity of clinical findings; age at onset and symptoms of CTS with a low complication rate after the learning curve period. Thus; ECTR can be the first procedure and alternative to the open surgery for CTS. |
Key Words:
Carpal tunnel syndrome, Endoscopic carpal tunnel relese, Surgical outcome |