Pure Dysarthria due to Subcortical and Pontine Infarction:
Diffusion Weighted MR Images Analysis |
피질하 및 뇌교 뇌경색에 의한 순수 구음장애: 확산강도 영상을 이용한 병소분석 |
박상원; 손성일; 조용원; 이형; 임정근; 이상도 |
Abstract |
Pure dysarthria is a type of lacunar infarction. Because previous studies described mainly to the dysarthric patients with central facial paresis or clumsy hand; pure dysarthria without facial paresis or other neurologic deficits; especially in subcortical or pontine infarction; was rare. We studied the patients with subcortical or pontine infarction who presented isolated dysarthria. Among 1;176 patients with acute stroke collected by the Keimyung Stroke Registry from March 2003 to February 2005; we selected 11 patients who presented with pure dysarthria due to subcortical or pontine infarctions. We identified lesions by diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI); and analyzed cerebrovascular risk factors; lesion locations and prognosis. DWI demonstrated small high signal lesions in the centrum semiovale (n=2); corona radiate (n=3); internal capsule (n=3); and pons (n=3). The most common risk factor for the ischemic stroke with pure dysarthria was hypertension. The lesions mostly located in the left hemisphere. All subjects showed a good recovery from dysarthria. Infarcts causing dysarthria in all patients located along the course of the corticobulbar tract and showed left-sided predominance in supratentorial lesion. Pure dysarthria due to internal capsule lesion could bo caused by a small lesion in the anterior portion of posterior limb. |
Key Words:
Diffusion-weighted MRI, Dysarthria, Pontine infarction, Subcortical infarction |