Fine Needle
Aspiration Cytology of Breast Ductal Carcinoma in situ |
유방의 관내상피암의 세침흡인 생검 소견 |
권선영; 정혜라; 강유나; 김상표; 박관규; 권건영; 이상숙; 전지민 |
Abstract |
With widespread use of
mammographic screening; ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is more frequently detected. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a reliable method for confirming diagnosis of the breast cancer. To distinguish the cytologic findings between DCIS and invasive ductal carcinoma is important to decide the surgical management of patients; because the surgical management of DCIS differs from that of invasive ductal carcinoma. DCIS is unnessary axillary lymph node dissection or aggressive chemotherapy. The authors retrospectively reviewed 13 breast FNACs that were confirmed histologically as being exclusive DCIS. On slides review; eleven cases (84.6%) showed a necrotic background. Ten cases (76.9%) had the presence of myoepithelial cells overlying clusters of tumor cells. Nine cases (69.2%) revealed a cribriform; papillary or micropapillary patterns of clusters of tumor cells. We have founded these cytologic criteria that are suggestive of a DCIS. |
Key Words:
Breast ductal carcinoma in
situ, Fine needle aspiration, Invasive ductal carcinoma |