Effect of Mefenamic Acid (PontalR) for Early Closure of Symptomatic Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Full-term Infants |
유증상 동맥관 개존을 가진 만삭아에서 Mefenamic Acid(Pontal_R)의 조기 폐쇄 효과 |
차규동; 조윤정; 김천수; 김명성; 이상락; 김준식; 권태찬 |
Abstract |
The Patent ductus arteriosus
(PDA) is an essential structure that occurs normally in the fetus and becomes abnormal only when it persists after birth. Indomethacin; ibuprofen and mefenamic acid; prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors; have been shown to close the ductus arteriosus in a large portion of premature infant. To investigate the effect of mefenamic acid(Pontal) for the early closure of symptomatic PDA(s-PDA) in full-term infants; we analyzed twenty-nine cases who were admitted to NICU of Dong San Medical Center; Keimyung University during the period from July 1995 to June 1999. The diagnosis of s-PDA was made by clinical(Modified Yeh's criteria) and echocardiographic findings. Among 29 cases; 15 cases were treated with lasix plus mefenamic acid(Pontal group); and the other 14 cases were treated with lasix alone(control group). The rate of PDA closure and clinical courses of both groups were compared. Mean gestational age; birth weight; sex; and clinical findings have similar distribution in both groups. The closure rate within 2 weeks was significantly higher in the Pontal group(73.3%) than that of the control group(14.3%)(p<0.005); and no significant complications were identified in both groups. Mefenamic acid can be used as an effective drug for the early closure of symptomatic PDA in full-term infants with no significant side effects. |
Key Words:
Symptomatic patent ductus
arteriosus, Mefenamic acid(Pontal), Full-term infants |