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Keimyung Medical Journal 2001;20(1):55-61.
Blood and Urine Concentrations of Transforming Growth Factor-β-inducible Gene-h3 in Diabetic Microangiopathy
당뇨병성 미세혈관병증 환자에서 혈중 및 요중 Transforming Groeth Factor-β inducible Gene-h3의 농도
류성열; 도주호; 황준영; 박근규; 김성열; 신동우; 이동욱; 이인규
Diabetic microangiopathy is a major contributing cause of mortality in patients with diabetes. Despite of conventional therapy to improve hyperglycemia and to control blood pres?sure; the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is reaching epidemic proportions world wide. Transforming growth factor- β (TGF-β) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of kid?ney diseases characterized by glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. TGF-β-inducible gene-h3(βig-h3) is a kind of recently identifed TGF- β induced gene products. TGF- β is secreted in a latent form and requiring extracellular modification to become biologically active. In vitro; exposure of proximal tubular cells to high glucose concentrations leads to increased TGF- β1 and collagen expansion as it does in mesangial cells. Biologically active form of TGF- β plays a pathogenetic role in diabetic renal disease and βig-h3 may be a useful index of TGF- β1 bioactivity in the kidney. Level of beta2-microglobulin is useful as a parameter to detect the degree of tubular injury and alterations in tubular handling of proteins in patients with proteinuria and glomerular dis?eases. We measure blood and urine concentrations of TGF- β in diabetic microangiopathy patient. Since there is a substantial evidence for a cause and effect relationship between upregulation of TGF- β and the progression of diabetic kidney disease; future studies will be needed to establish spe?cific targets along these pathyways at which to intervene.
Key Words: Diabetic microangiopathy, TGF-β, βig-h3, Beta2-microglobulin.
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