Chronic neutrophilic
leukemia is a very rare myeloproliferative disorder of uncertain pathogenesis characterized by persistent neutrophilia without identifiable cause. Additionally chronic neutrophilic leukemia is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly; elevated leukocyte alkaline phosphatase; increased serum uric acid; bone marrow granulocyte hyperplasia; and the absence of philadelphia chromosome.
Recently we have experienced a case of neutrophilic leukemia in a 55 years old woman. On admission; peripheral blood leukocyte count was 94;000/?L and consist of 92% neutrophils. Many neutrophils had toxic granules; vacuoles and Dohle bodies. The underlying disease for leukemoid reaction had not been detected. Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score was elevated. The bone marrow smear showed myeloid hyperplasia. The cytogenetic study shows normal bone marrow cell karyotype without philadelphia chromosome. The patient died after 13 months from the treatment with hydrxoyurea and intermittent transfusion.