Treatment of Facial
Asymmetry with 3-Dimensional CT : Case report |
3차원 CT을 이용한 안면 비대칭의 치험 1례 |
최봉주; 박노부; 박효상 |
Abstract |
It is very difficult to diagnose
the facial asymmetry; that is; difficult to determine what part of problem is major cause to treatment. The three dimensional CT developed recently can provide excellent three dimension?al image of soft and hard tissue; thus authors decided to determine the possibility of three dimensional CT for the diagnostic means for facial asymmetry.
The patient; 19 year old female; had anterior edgebite with deviated dental midline and mild concave profile and was diagnosed as facial asymmetry with skeletal asymmetry and functional displacement of mandible by using three dimensional CT. The orthodontic and orthognathic procedure were performed. The following results were obtained.
? The facial asymmetry was favorably corrected.
? The favorable facial profile was achieved.
? The harmonious occlusion was obtained.
? The three dimensional CT will provide useful guide for skeletal abnormality and will be good diagnostic means for facial asymmetry. However; the appropriate analysis method is not established; it will be further needed.
Key Words:
Facial asymmetry,
3-Dimesional CT